Another day no filming…

 Another production day has arrived but still there’s something missing. This day we planned on filming but something happened . One of my group mates had rehearsal and another had a personal mishap happen. Also, Transportation was a big factor in this filming day. No one was reallyclear on if they were able to meet up. Therefore, We couldn’t really all meet up at the same time because of different things we have to do on our schedules . Because of that we weren’t able to feel today. However, we did come up with some ideas of what to do. Based on the editing, Jeni would be in charge of that. We can help her in some ways but she has a strong sort of that. I can also learn how to edit as well because I can’t always rely on someone when it comes to future projects .filming this short film will be one of the group mates . it would change overtime depending on the scenes. I am not sure what  Jeni is using for her editing platform . hopefully it’s easy for her. I feel like we need to discuss the different camera shots to make it seem more interesting to watch. We also need to discuss who’s gonna play who in the short film. There’s gonna be two boys and two girls so it’s not going to be that hard of a decision . as more as we continue to try to film again we hope that not many mishaps happen. Therefore, our schedules will be set beforehand.  Hopefully we don’t have this problem again.


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