first editing Blog
So this will be the editing process.
After the whole fiasco of the last editing day, I
went back in to see if I could still fix this
because I was not ready to give up on the lost
project just yet. After about an hour and a half
of doing some research and pulling some
strings I actually managed to find a backup
before everything was lost. But retriving this
backup would prove to be quite difficult
because it was a backup for my entire iPad.
This meant I had to back all of my stuff up to
before this all happened which was a little
frustrating but I did transfer most of the
important stuff my laptop and phone before I
did so I wouldn't be losing any more very
important content for school. After I backed up
my iPad I looked to my program to see the
project back the way it was finally. It wasn't
everything that I had finished but it was at
least it was enough to just re do the little things
and pretend this mistake had never happened.
I am truly so glad I figured out a way to fix this.
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