Final editing blog
and pretend this mistake had never happened.
am truly so glad I figured out a way to fix this
major issue because of how little time we had,
redoing the project would have caused many
problems and could lead us to a very bad
consequences. After the recovery I finally
started to re do and finish the entire project,
some of the new things I had added were more
text titles in towards the beginning, as well as
smooth transitioning between scenes so it
does not look wonky and out of place. I also
added coloring to add onto the atmosphere of
Where our film is taking place and white time it
had been as well. After another long agonizing
hour of doing non stop work I believe I had
finished everything needed to be done. Even
with this having such a short run time it was
very difficult it to maintain it under the run time
requirements. But I am extremely happy and
excited to get this over and needless to say I
think I'm proud of the outcome as well. I do
want the critique of others again to see how
they feel before it is submitted, and I will make
a small changes if they do mention that there
needs to be some changes respectfully.
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