Second filming dayyy!
So, we had the 2nd filming day. We all were supposed to arrive around 2:00 o'clock. I got there a little bit late because my transportation was taking the bus. It came later than usual, but we still got stuff done. First when we got there we talked about the different scenes. The first scene was the main character filming in her room by herself. We won't be filming this today because she will be filming this on her own. The second scene is the group chat messages. As we continued, we talked about the angles. Also, what messages are we going to send from the group chat. The third scene is the friends meeting up. They will be discussing what happened to missing doll. I thought of an idea for the doll to just pop out of nowhere and then we can just end it there. I must introduce it to them though. So we started filming the messages part. We had to change the contact names and the group chat names. This will make it look like we're having a conversation. After that, we went to the discussion filming. We filmed at a regular angle which you can see everyone in the shot. it took us a few times, but we got it. I think this filming day went well.
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