Planning for my music video

Birthday- by Katy Perry
Props: Since as a group we decided to work on a birthday music video, our main prop will birthday accessories. such as balloons, confetti, fake birthday presents, etc... Other props we will include will be bags and possibly cupcakes or other type of foods like chips. 

Costumes: In our music video we will have 2 different costumes for each actor. The first costume will be a casual outfit, something that people would wear to school. The second costume will consist of nice pretty clothing. Something along the lines of a either a dress or jeans and a polo shirt. 


11/12/21, our group researched the Music video

11/16/21, our group planned the music video 

11/19/21, our group will create the storyboard for the music video

11//21, our group will film and record necessary shots

11//21, our group will edit and add final touches to the music video 

Location List: Our first few shots will be in a park by the school. Here we will film the first part of the music video. the first shot will be us "meeting" up for the soon to be birthday party then we'll film ourselves at the birthday party having fun. 

other possible locations we thought of was my backyard that way we can include other people to be part of the music video as extras. and we can set up the backyard to look like an actual birthday party like setting up a table outside and using old birthday decorations around it and filming the "birthday" actor blowing the candles. 

backup plan: our backup plan is going to be at the beach if the park doesn't work. we can shoot a beach party scene and include other people at the beach (with their consent of course) if one of our members is absent due to personal stuff. we can bring beach balls, coolers full of drink and snacks. we can also bring our pets if the beach allows pets. 


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