Editing and Revising!!

So I started to find some different editing apps. It was a little bit difficult because I didn't want the ones that social media use. Some of them were capcut, wondershare, or hit film Express. First I tried cap cut. It wasn't as advanced as I wanted it to be and it didn't really meet up with my requirements. Plus I couldn't download it on my laptop and I didn't want to edit on my phone. Next I tried hit film. It was starting out good but I couldn't figure out where to put the audio. I went on YouTube and found the guide but it didn't show me where to put audio. I moved on to another app. This app is called wondershare filmora. I am currently playing with this app to see if it'll work with what I have. The main problem right now is how to put audio and that's what I'm learning. I have to film more clips so that everything will go through smoothly. While editing I haven't touched upon the effects yet. The effects is really what makes the commercial. Also I need to learn how to put the logo of the brand at the end which some people say it's easy. I might need to add some text in the commercial just in case. The paper I'm using in the commercial is to write on. It might not be clear so the text will help.


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